Personal Healing
The Process
Patrizia assists her clients in their healing process by working at the energetic level of their challenges, whether they are physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. This is accomplished by tracking and removing the energies that cause and surround the issue.
The shamanic healing process involves a variety of techniques including illuminating the client's luminous energy field, extracting unwanted energies, and soul and destiny retrieval.
Patrizia da Milano has extensive experience with clients from all walks of life using the process listed here and other techniques she has acquired.
The Illumination Process
This is the foundation for Patrizia's shamanic healing work. Once the affected chakra(s) is located, medicine stones and breathwork are used to eradicate the energy that is keeping you from healing and moving forward.
Extracting Unwanted Energies
Unwanted energies resulting from events, traumas, or injuries can become "hardened" or "frozen" within your energy field. This energy is removed and sent away, and the remaining space is filled with Divine Light for healing.
It may be possible to avoid this kind of crystallized energy by addressing the issue shortly after the event, trauma, or injury takes place.
Sometimes a non-human entity can attach itself to your energy field. In these cases, the entity or spirit is removed so that both you and the entity can heal and move on.
Soul Retrieval
It is said that when we experience trauma, part of our soul leaves to protect us. When you are ready, this process allows for the separated parts to be retrieved and returned to you. Soul retrieval is a powerful, sacred, and life-changing process, performed only at the right time.
Destiny Retrieval
After an Illumination Process, it is possible to become unstuck by connecting where you are now to a future part of yourself where you are already living your destiny. With these two parts of yourself connected in this process, you can discover what steps are needed for you to complete the path that will take you to your destiny.
The Principles
Below are the 5 Principles of the Quero Andien lineage. They are the pillars of all that Patrizia does and offers.
MUNAY (Love)
To love
YACHAY (Wisdom)
To learn, know, and remember
LLAN'KAY (Action)
To work, Communal good
KAWSAY (Energy)
Life is energetically connected
AYNI (Harmony)
Reciprocity, Balance, Proper relationship
Ways You Can Work with Patrizia
Soul Awakening
Experience your soul's awakening through this powerful program that combines Light Work healing, meditation, and other modalities with a visual representation of your higher self. After gaining insight into your soul's purpose here, Patrizia will capture your “true self” in a unique painting that captures a window into your soul and will serve as a guiding light throughout your life journey.
Light Work
Many of us carry the burden of old stories and blocks that can manifest in this third-dimensional reality as debilitating patterns, blocks to things we desire in our world, or as physical pain and disease. With Light Work Healing Patrizia helps you get to the inception point of where this block began, helping you see without the veil of old stories and your current perception, and removes the obstacles holding you back from living your best life.
Clearing & Gong Therapy Combo
This powerful combination helps to clear stress and energetic blocks, and shifts your vibration allowing you to embody your new state of being on a cellular level. The gong is a powerful amplification device in allowing all aspects of YOU to surrender permitting you to feel what it means to be your authentic self. These sessions are excellent for bringing clarity to both small and life-changing decisions, and will provide you with a different perspective.