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Clearing & Gong Therapy Combo

The gong is a powerful amplification device. When paired with clearings, this combination helps to clear stress and stagnant energy by physically altering the energetic frequencies that your body, aura and spirit hold. The gong’s calming sound and vibration allow all aspects of YOU to surrender, allowing you to feel into your authentic self – quiet, serene, and clear. It helps the mind chatter slip away opening up your intuitive hearing.



What are the benefits?

Clearing & Gong Therapy Combo can:

- Bring clarity to small and life-changing decisions

- Provide you with a different perspective

- Balance the nervous system and align the chakras

- Allow for deep relaxation and rejuvenation



This is how it works:

We start by aligning your focus to what you deeply desire to transform in your life. Then you listen, take it in, surrender to the sound, and allow yourself to feel what it means to be in this place, that which you are focusing on. Once you have reached this state, I use the gongs to amplify and seal in your new intention of healing and transformation.


I am a certified Gong Master under the teachings of Don Conreaux, and Mehtab Benton, both are of the five original Kundalini Yoga Teachers designated by Yogi Bhajan in 1969. 

"Patrizia has a gentle way of helping you see the truth behind situations and events. Her calming approach instantly puts you at ease, allowing space for true healing and growth to happen. Because of my positive and highly effective experiences with her, I would definitely recommend Patrizia’s services to anyone and everyone!"



If you are interested in getting  a Clearing and Gong Therapy Combo contact me at 806-220-6551 to discuss. 





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